Sunday, October 3, 2010

New Work

Heyo peeps I forgot about my blog. so i was just updating my deviant and sad updates there too. I've been working so much I barely have time to breath!!! it seems. I'm just making excuses.

This is my latest piece. "Cool chicks don't look at explosions"
Its been my baby for about..3 months. Finished Sept 1st. More to come. I have commissions rolling in now. I just need more time to do them. so more updates soon!

Oh yes I just started learning Oil. and I love it so much already.. so stay tuned for totally awesome new oil pieces!!

acrylic on 2 gallery canvas 35"x77"


Saturday, February 27, 2010

New Painting and weird walls

New painting!!

Winter scene.

I have like 5 more in the works.

I've been doing weird wall graphics with paint lately also

started with my room

then progressed to a friends apartment

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Paintings galooore

Just a few Paintings I did for Christmas since i was brooooooooke as a joke this year. red lobster doesn't really give you much to go on..

Finished machina ciiity!! I gave this one to my brother. which was hard cuz it was my fav. but also why i gave it to him.

Gave this one to my dad. I felt it would match his decors

this one i gave to muuuummmmy! First self portrait since grade 12!! and in paint this time. lots of fun

Painted these for my bf's niece and nephew. it was their first christmas.