Saturday, February 27, 2010

New Painting and weird walls

New painting!!

Winter scene.

I have like 5 more in the works.

I've been doing weird wall graphics with paint lately also

started with my room

then progressed to a friends apartment

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Paintings galooore

Just a few Paintings I did for Christmas since i was brooooooooke as a joke this year. red lobster doesn't really give you much to go on..

Finished machina ciiity!! I gave this one to my brother. which was hard cuz it was my fav. but also why i gave it to him.

Gave this one to my dad. I felt it would match his decors

this one i gave to muuuummmmy! First self portrait since grade 12!! and in paint this time. lots of fun

Painted these for my bf's niece and nephew. it was their first christmas.